Cedar Springs High School Home of the Red Hawks

Relich Advances to State Finals cover photo
Relich Advances to State Finals
Girls Volleyball Leads the RCA Conference cover photo
Girls Volleyball Leads the RCA Conference
Boys Tennis Competes at First Ever RCA Tournament cover photo (school logo)
Boys Tennis Competes at First Ever RCA Tournament
Girls XC Prepares for Conference Jamboree cover photo (school logo)
Girls XC Prepares for Conference Jamboree
Girls XC Competes at Otsego Invite cover photo
Girls XC Competes at Otsego Invite
Rypma Named Player of the Match cover photo (school logo)
Rypma Named Player of the Match
Boy Cross Country Ranked 2nd in Region 10 cover photo (school logo)
Boy Cross Country Ranked 2nd in Region 10